Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Me, myself R2H and R1

This is the blog post I've been wanting to write for quite some time. As Australia's Tablet Guy (not pharmeceuticals) I am blessed with "first looks" at almost everything that comes Downunder. On this occassion it's the ASUS R2H and the ASUS R1...no joke:

You could almost expect another cheesy grin from this Australian Exclusive - FIRST IN AUSTRALIA TO HOLD TOUCH SMELL FEEL THE R2H UMPC.

"I love being a geek"

31st October 5pm Update:

It’s with much pleasure that I can report a couple of quick findings:

  • The R2H does in fact support palm rejection technology (lean and write),
  • GPS is standard,
  • The weight is heavier than the Samsung Q1 and yet lighter than the EO V7110,
  • The Touchscreen sensitivity is about the same as the EO V7110, in that it requires a good push or a fingernail/pen to mark an XY coordinate. It also means that navigation with finger only is not that pleasurable (another thumb cracker for DialKeys),
  • The camera is very crisp at 1.3MP,
  • The simple stand is nice but does not support height adjustments – one angle only,
  • The pen is very nice as it is adjustable in length and has a nice metal feel about it,
  • Not much heat although I did have it on for only 40 minutes, or so.

I think this is a very promising device. With lots of ASUS PCB happiness built-in this device will surely suit road warriors, business corporate types, and geeks alike.

I’ll post a video review shortly although regrettably I could not hold onto this device as it is one of only three in Australia at present.


Anonymous said...

Huuuuuuuuuuuugo, gimmie that R2H, I've been waiting for like.. forever :(

Any ideas on the prices of those two fellows? The R1 looks quite interesting. :)

Anonymous said...

Now is that R2H really wide? From what i've heard about the US r2h model it's rather wide.

Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hi pc_madness,

Just keep watching Tegatech Australia website for AUD pricing...YUM!

Hi Matt,

Not sure how to judge "really wide." I must admit that I did not sit it next to another UMPC while it was here so I cannot say with total certain. What I can say its that it is a FSUMPC...you work it out.

Anonymous said...

this is the post i've been waiting to read!

Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hi Darren,

Nice to ehar from ya mate.

"You and everyone mate - GPS built in and all the other UMPC stuff...too cool!"

Anonymous said...

Hmm, to reference width Ignar at Origami Project has told us the sad tale of his experience with his R2H which he says is 1.6 inches deep.

Thread Here

Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Cheers Matt,

You're a star for getting this conversation going. Regrettably I cannot subscribe to the concern as UMPC to me is still very bleeding edge and thickness is one of the inevitable consequences.

I appreciate the thread (and Ignars comments) because they are honest however they are not conclusive. We need to stay level headed and remain somewhat understanding of what has actually gone on here. The development of a fully functional handheld PC crams a lot o technology into one small package. If anything the UMPC width:thickness ration is better than devices like the Sony UX series that just came out.

I cannot confirm the 1.6” thickness as I did not measure it but I can say that it was similar to the V7110 and a bit more that the Q1; when comparing apples-with-apples.

Anonymous said...

Great post so far Hugo - *green with envy*

The R2H looksl ike a really nice device.

I must admit, the R1 looks smaller than I was expecting which is a good thing :) I'll be in the market for a new Tablet post-Vista (having been without one now for a couple of months) so I look forward to your thoughts on it.

Keep up the great work!

Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hello Colin,

"green with envy" you say...sorry, I think of it as my duty really! LOL.

The irony is almost surreal. The R1 is as new as the R2H and yet failed to even get a mention on my post. Believe it or not, I liked it! It is ASUS quality, i.e. solid in structure and smooth in styling.

The device I have in the photo is a Dual Core 2.0GHz device with 2GB of RAM - now that's not a Tablet, that's a "desklet." *someone coin that*

Anonymous said...

Hey there Hugo, hope you are well mate.Looking forward to seeing your review.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Hugo. Does your R2H come with expanded battery? All the US version comes with it, and while it adds a couple hours of battery time, it also adds depth and weight. Maybe I have bashed R2H too hard in my post at Origami Project. I admit it has its own merits such as great screen, integrated GPS/Cam, decent speed (after removing crapwares of course), and lots of goodies in the package. So if its dimension doesn't bother you, R2H can be very attractive option. Unfortunately, for me, it didn't work out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hugo. I'm writing form Italy. Sorry for may english.
I read your blog one every day. I would want to acquire the r2h just and the r1 even if in Italy it is impossible to find them and the situated ones that contact they do not send here!!! When you will put on-line the video review? today? Aspect with anxiety that one of the r1, task you would be the first one. I will make refresh a every hour. Thanks

Steven said...

Hey Hugo,
Do you think you could give a comparison of the R1 to the P1610?


Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hi Aviruth,

Looking forward to posting it!

Hi Ignar,

I don't believe the AU version comes with the extended battery - so know I'm begining to understand where you were coming from. When you say "didn't work out" does that mean your returning it, selling it, or sitting with it miserably? I'm interested?

Caio Pinele,

Nice to hear from you in Italy - wish I was with you having a "real" coffe. :-)

My review will need to wait as the device headed off to a Microsoft Event this week so I will post the review shortly after that.

Hi Steven,

R1 vs. P1610 is a little strange request mate. With all due respect. The R1 is dual core, accepts 2GIGs of RAM and runs 12.1" display (everything the P1610 isn't). R1 - better for desktop replacement, or, P1610 a lot better for a "Mr. Mobility" type.

If it was a comparison between P1610 and R2H you were after then that is a little more realistic. Let me see what I can do.

Steven said...

Thanks Hugo. That is what I was wanting to know. From the pictures, the R1 looked like it could be comparable in size to the P1610, so it got me thinking. You told what I need to to know, except for what the price might be for the R1.


Anonymous said...

From my understanding its either,

-Extended Battery
-mini Keyboard
-DMB Tuner

That they're shipping with the R2H? I'm sure Asus wouldn't be so rude as to send us one without bluetooth. :\

Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

hi PC_Madness,

Looks as though we'll need to wait with baited breath for the "Aussie" SKU. Keep ya posted!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of your work its exciting to see someone with so much enthusiasm for Portable devices. I do have a quick question about the R2H. How well does the GPS work? is it much like a car navigation system speaking to you where to turn? Well rock on man and keep the enthusiasm for the new Ultra Mobile PC's they are awesome.


Anonymous said...

Hugo. You are welcome in italy.
I have many many optimal coffees from makes you to savour. Hello from me, my wife and my little little little son tommy. I am deciding to buy r1f and r2h but i aspect a your council. Or it is better to wait for that they exit with windows Vista?

Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hi Casey,

Thanks for the shou-out and for your ongoing support. As far as GPS goes I will need to wait a few days as this device will be with the Micrsoft team on the Vista roadshow. I think what you're asking mostly relates to software and not hardware though. How it talks and walks its way through maps is a soft thing and has nothing to do with the fact that R2H ships with a GOS module inside. The module allows the ability but I believe it will be the software you choose that will vary the experince...


Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hello Pinele,

I will hopefully take you up on a "real Italian" coffee one day. Thank you.

As far as R1 and R2H is concerned you'll need to stay tuned to my videos while I get to know the deivces. You'll need to give me a week though as the devices are with Microsoft.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hugo
While aspect your impressions on the products asus, you have seen and you have some news about nuew lifebook t4215?

Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hi Pinele,

From my first impressions I believe the Fujitsu to be a superior product to the R1. I happen to own a T4210 and will be upgrading to the T4215 ASAP. The Japanese build quality is very good.

Anonymous said...

Hugo, how do you just "go to fujitsu and get a tablet?" can i do that?(well i dont think so)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm sold - where the hell can I buy an R2H in Australia? !!!

Was it just a paper launch!?

Anonymous said...


I have ordered an R-1 for $1749US but was concerned about your comment regarding it inferior to the Fugitsu product. Any updates on that note since you have had a little time with the R-1?


Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hi JW,

Nice to hear from you and don't worry - ya dun good!

I'm a "Fujitsu Guy." I like the build quality and the workmanship. I think the R1, especially after having spent some time with it, is an exceptional device and very comparible. I'm sure you know how it feels to be brand driven and I am not immune to that behaviour. I can however, as Australia's Tablet Guy, give you my tick of approval. Especially with that 2.0 CoreDuo...

blubb said...

I'm really looking forward to an RF1 video Review. I really like the Tablet PC idea but were never able to get my hands on one.
So spending so much money on that device, I will need some opinions :)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know of a way to increase the sensitivity of the R2H's touch screen so that its possible use your finger opposed to the fingernail?

Hugo Gaston Ortega said...

Hi Tyler,

Regrettably this is not a feature supported by the ASUS R2H. The sensitivity is set REALLY LOW to favour the input of pen.

For anyone interested watch this video I did to learn more about Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC) pressure sensitivities.

Thanks for the comment Tyler - sorry about the answer though. Interestingly the new TabletKiosk Sahara i440D, i412T and i440T have the ability to adjust the sensitivy.

BrandtOtter said...

Do you know if it can meaqsure variable levels of pen pressure? Or is it just on/off?
I'm looking to buy one for my wife to use as a sketch-pad.