Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hugo Ortega Unmasked

As you all know I've been spending some time with David Wallace; David is not only ambitious but committed too. As a commitment to himself he has started a new Podcast on Cameron Riley's "Podcast Network," dubed the "Extraordinary Everyday Lives". David and I actually met on one of Cameron's shows and hit it off since then.

Although this is not a Tablet PC related post I am pointing you to David's podcast as his first ever guest on the show! Obviously we've all done a lot in our lives and I believe that given the chance you all could share great tales; on this occassion it's my turn and I therefore share it with you as friends of mine, and extended family.

Oh! One really cool feature of this podcast is the addition of Google Maps to help dentify places of interest. Also David and Mike have written a little XML to take you through a Google Journey that relates to this show! Have fun...

Thanks for reading The Under Tablet Blog, and for supporting David. Have a great Weekend.

Show Notes

Dave Wallace and Mike Seyfang talk to Hugo Ortega of UberTablet blog fame. As it turns out, Hugo is famous for something else…
We discover how Hugo came to be living and working in war-torn Kosovo, what he did there for 2 years and what a Balkan Sunflower is.
Also we find out what other language Hugo speaks, why he’s fit just right for running a successful business and what musical instrument he still can’t play.

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