Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Billy Hollis Blogs about meeting Hugo Ortega

It seems I left Billy Hollis with a memorable impression from our time together. He’s shot me an email pointing me to his blog entry on 27th Feb 2006. I’ve podcasted our conversation as a unique insight into the man that is Billy Hollis.

Show: Talk’n Tablet Downunder
Listen here (28.8 MB, 37 minutes)
Artists: Hugo Ortega & Billy Hollis
Episode#: 2
Episode Name: Billy Hollis talks Tablet PC with UberTablet Geek Hugo Ortega.

Billy’s email to me also contained talk of the Origami project, but for obvious reasons it’ll have to remain a private email…you can ask me whatever you want though!!

Microsoft revamps the iPod retail packaging!

What if Microsoft actually placed it’s muscle behind branding iPod. What would it look like on the shelves of your local IT shop?

Thank you Warner Crocker for connecting us to this comical video! I love youtube.com but can’t be bothered sorting through it all, you’ve allowed me that Theatrical start to my day…

Two Tablet greats combine to make one!

Rob Bushway’s blog CutMeLoose.com has been a favorite of mine since I started blogging. His ability to liberate information and express his passion for all things Tablet PC is infamous worldwide. Dennis Rice, also a MVP in Tablet, has informatively entertained the community via Travelin’ with tablet Guy and Tablet PC Buzz.

These Uber Geeks are to the Tablet community what the "New York Times" is to the general populous. The fact that they have come together and announced a joint venture (Commercial Website) called GottaBeMobile is a very exciting event in my books. Visit the site often and subscribe to their feeds; with these guys at the steering wheel I reckon Tablet PC has just been given a set of off-road wheels – enjoy the ride with us.

PS. Rob and Dennis, I’m honored that you placed me in the community list, thanks!

Hello Australia, this is Billy Hollis!

Today I sat with Billy Hollis of Nashville, Tennessee. The following podcast is an enlightening techno-moment shared with Billy, revealing even some not so often talked about insights into his past. Having met Billy for breakfast recently, and knowing he was in town for the Patterns and Practices Summit held in Sydney, I couldn’t pass up the occasion to sit with this man of stature – and Talk Tablet.

Listen-in while UberTablet’s Hugo Ortega delves into the mind of one of Microsoft’s premier Keynote speakers – for e.g. VSLive, Tech Ed, - and Author of many books. Billy will draw you in with his wisdom, charisma and much class. He'll relate his experiences with Tablet PC to both the present time and the future. When you're done with the podcast jump on Billy's Blog!

Show: Talk’n Tablet Downunder

Listen here (28.8 MB, 37 minutes)

Artists: Hugo Ortega & Billy Hollis

Episode#: 2
Episode Name: Billy Hollis talks Tablet PC with UberTablet Geek Hugo Ortega.
Show Notes:

  • The Tablet Guru Group.
  • The Medical Vertical, in relation to Tablet Sales!
  • Tablet PC uptake: in School’s, the critical mass & more.
  • Code Addiction” (Codeheads Anonymous!)
  • Test Driven Development.
  • Coding for Tablet PC.
  • Origami Project
  • Message to Architect’s & Developers.
  • Smart Client, and Tablet PC.
  • Tablet Applications.
  • Billy Hollis & Bill Gates.
  • What does Australia mean to Billy?

Enjoy the show and let us know what you think.

Download WMA Download MP3

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Manly Breakfast, best when surrounded by Geeks!

This morning my wife and I, with Son Leon Ortega in hand, had breakfast with the Gang. There was Dr. Neil Roodyn with his partner Kris, and Adam Cogan with wife Anastasia and their two adorable daughters, Luke Burton (Apple Employee) and fiancée Kathy, and lastly but most uniquely was Billy Hollis (Billy's Books) – in Australia, from Tennessee, as part of the Patterns and Practices Summit held in Sydney.

It was Adam’s daughters, Eve and Ruby, which kicked up a storm with my son Leon commandeering the Manly Beach play gym with a real definiteness of purpose. It wasn't long before the girls (all our partners) joined in too. The king of the "twirly whirly" (or whatever they call it) was Billy Hollis!

Obviously, with such brain power on the beach it wasn’t long before I was preaching Tablet to Adam Cogan, we all started bragging about Google rankings and moved onto bees making honey (Adam explained, “they have two stomachs”) and the fact that Polar Bears aren’t white (Hugo pointed out, “they’re black, with translucent fur.”)

Adam Cogan, Hugo Ortega and Leon Ortega

All in all a great morning!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Lora points UberTablet Guy in the right Direction!

This evening I was pinged by premium Microsoft's Tablet PC spokesperson, Lora Heiny (in Redmond). Whilst we’ve talked Tablet in the past, this time the message was short:

Obviously I, being a huge fan of all things Heiny and her “What is New” blog, quickly followed my brief instructions and had a look around. Upon initial investigation it seemed that Jumping Minds had done all they can to take Ink Gestures up a notch - I downloaded my free trial and installed it on my favorite slate.

The following is a screen capture of InkGestures Version 1.1; an application that enhances the normal Microsoft Word Document experience by empowering your intentions via gestures. The gestures can be made by mouse, but most importantly by Tablet PC pen too. When combining the application with one of my Tablets I felt the experience was enjoyable enough to share with you all.

Watch the WMV: UberTablet-InkGestures.wmv

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Uncle Doug Mulray takes the Tablet!

Download MP3 [28MB]
Download WMA [19MB]

There are certain good fortunes that cross our path when we focus our energy with ‘Definiteness of Purpose’– a term coined by motivational guru Napoleon Hill. One of the pleasures of my commitment to The Tablet PC in Australia and New Zealand has been the friendships attained by applying my enthusiasm and energy to my ‘Definiteness of Purpose’ - September 2005 was one very occasion (the date I first met the infamous Doug Mulray).

There are few devices that take a perfectly normal human being and turn them into a blubbering idiot (namely me); Tablet PC is one device that carries this ability. The following is an Interview conducted on 22 February 2006 at the private home of Radio Personality, Television Personality and straight shooter Doug Mulray. Even with all the weight that his namesake carries, Doug Mulray has given this interview and all the answers herein as an unsolicited and uncompensated gift to Tablet PC - “I’m a bit of a Disciple myself!” Doug Mulray openly preaches.

Doug Mulray takes the Tablet! Sahara Slate PC

"A Tablet Worth Taking," The Age Newpaper.

About Doug Mulray:

Uncle Doug, Doctor Dougie, or the Reverend Doctor Doug: no matter how you know him in Australia, the man is a multi-media legend. Having wedged his persona into our car stereo, as host of the breakfast time slot on Sydney FM radio station 2MMM (Triple M) in the 1980s, Uncle Doug Mulray is the unsung hero of internet innovation in Australia. His instigation of the internet based radio station Live at The Basement is an indication of just how “ahead of his time” he has been – the most prominent commercialized webcast Radio Station in Australia. For all you Uber Geeks that do not know of this man, our Uncle Doug has been brokering deals for downloadable media, and Internet based Radio Stations, since the late 1980’s.

Surrounded by gadgetry in the luxury of his home it’s not half obvious that Doug Mulray is a techno-geek. He’s not only early-adopted, but moreover he’s early-applied lots of the technology the mainstream still sees as cutting edge. As surprising as it may sound however, and by his own admission, Doug Mulray is a techno-phoebe; an almost unbelievable thought when you consider his past efforts.

Either he is really short, or I'm really tall!

[Uncle Doug, you're the most genuine 'personality' someone could hope to bump into.]

Listen into this podcast [19MB] as Australia’s Maniacal Tablet PC Evangelist, Hugo Ortega, shares an intimate techno-moment with Uncle Doug Mulray of Australia. You'll be entertained as one of Australia's highest ever rating Radio Jockey's flaunts, taunts and talks Tablet PC with your Hugo Ortega.

Show: Talk’n Tablet Downunder

Listen into this podcast (19 MB, 37 minutes)
Artists: Hugo Ortega & Uncle Doug Mulray
Episode#: 1
Episode Name: Billy Hollis talks Tablet PC with UberTablet Geek Hugo Ortega.

Show Notes:

  • Uncle Doug reveals who talked him into Tablet! ME!
  • Memory upgrade as a benefit to Tablet PC.
  • Smart Phone/Palm Pilot/PDA vs. Tablet PC – portability!
  • Price premium of Tablet vs. traditional Notebook.
  • Uncle Doug talks Ink Art (Microsoft Experience Pack).
  • Tablet PC as a Digital Photo Album.
  • Uncle Doug presents his take on Tablet form factors (Slate vs. Convertible).
  • Snipping Tool (Microsoft Experience Pack). Uncle Doug makes Hugo Ortega blush!
  • Given the chance to refund the device, would Doug buy Tablet PC again?
  • Uncle Doug Talks Tablet in luxury cars.
  • Learn French Doug Mulray Style.
  • The final Say! And a shout out to his fans! [Podcasts, Terrestrial Broadcasts, Internet Marketing and more…]

Listen into this podcast [19MB]

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Tablet PC as an Aquatic Safety Device

Today, being Sunday, was a day set aside for leisure. While fitting in the time to rest I still managed a little Inking!!

Boats are obviously not the safest place for a pair of dubious four-year olds. Knowing that we may struggle to keep the two entertained, and therefore safely down stairs, I brought a Tablet!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Australia 2006 and Tablet PC is OK!

Tonight I chatted with Lora Heiny of Microsoft (and the infamous What Is New blog). She is so passionate about the Tablet, which is not half obvious since she basically owns the Tablet space in the USA. Lora works with the Microsoft Mobile Platforms Division, Tablet PC ISV team as a vendor. Her focus is on Tablet PC ISV Partner relationships. Microsoft! Where's our Lora in Australia?

While we inked she sent me a photo of Tablet Guy running around San Francisco. He was spotted with some sea-lions, and a silly grin!!

See Lora's other photos of travelling Tablet Guy

The irony of blogging is that Lora never met Hugo and Hugo never met Lora. I know Frank Arrigo knows Lora, but never met, except through Blogland – yet we all ink to each other with a sense of familiarity. As I told Lora of my conversation’s with Frank we came to one conclusion: “Tablet PC in Australia was going to be OK in 2006!!”

Watch this space Australia; we might get more guest appearances by Tablet Guy come MEDC time downunder.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Microsoft Coffee tastes better!

15th February 2006

It’s four O’clock and I’m strolling into the Microsoft Head Office in North Ryde, Sydney. I’m excited because this time I carry a sense of familiarity. I’m here to meet Uber Geek and very fanatical Frank Arrigo. We’ve never met before and the only pictures we’ve seen of each other are our Blog photo’s , which up until a day ago was a photo of me scuba diving – shit!!! I should have brought my regulator, mask and fins!!

As I divert into the reception area I seem somewhat recognizable to the receptionist; either that or I exude so much confidence that she now sees me as one of the gang. “There’s the thermal impregnator”, I think to myself as I stroll over to punch in my details. Frank then phones me from upstairs and begins to make his way down. He instantly recognizes me standing there with an artillery of Tablet under one arm and a goofy sense of excitement plastered on my face.

We meet, we greet and we bistro…

I see the familiar faces of Adam Cogan, there to host the .NET User Group held on the third Wednesday of every month, and Jeff Alexander, evangelising up a storm. This time I make the acquaintance of Andrew Coates, a Developer Evangelist that helps inspire much topic of thought. While Frank, Andrew and I share Tablet Tales I seem confident in knowing that I’m amongst friends (one-eyed maniacal 1’s and 0’s psycho’s) that are just like me. Frank and I then spend our time together conjuring adventures like two little school boys; we share a common space you see, the kids. Each time we brainstorm our thoughts veer back to our children, mainly my Tablet wielding four year old Leon, and Frank's Inking swordsman Billy (check out this post by Billy, so funny!) .

If you’re ever lucky enough to sit with any of the upstairs boys from Microsoft you’ll quickly note one common trait – passion. As my mate Dr. Neil Roodyn keeps telling me, “there aren’t that many people that comprise the Microsoft team worldwide. And it’s Microsoft that makes the whole world go round.” As I sit amongst this crew it isn’t hard to see why the world spins so well.

If hypothetically I opened a bread shop… and my employees ate the bread, dealt in the bread, stood on soapboxes and sold the bread, told their friends about the bread, spent their free-time blogging about the bread and enhancing the bread… then I’d have an empire too!!! Well done Mr. Bill Gates! You are a genius! You’ve manifested a team as devoted as you are, and maniacal too.

After today’s briefing I had but one thought: “Microsoft Coffee tastes better!”

Sydney Windows Mobile User Group - Tablet talk

<--// Hi Guys, I renamed this file and broke off many people linking to it. This is the same post, from the original filename, now reposted for integrities sake //-->

8th February 2006

As I drove into the carpark of Microsoft Head Quarters, Australia, I felt a certain sense of reassurance. Knowing that this wasn’t my first time, and knowing that familiar faces were abreast of the sliding glass doors, I was calm. With my wife following in stride and Dr. Neil racing in front I was able to enjoy the process a lot more than my initial visit (fun, but more like a dream).

Ah! A familiar face. I encounter Microsoft IT Pro Evangelist Jeff Alexander; a face that greets me with anticipation and warmth , a face of friendship. He meets my wife and we catch up on some topics of interest, i.e. his renovations at home, and his freshly posted Windows Server 2003 R2 Upgrade Blogcast. As we stir amongst the corridor of the Microsoft Hall our Uber Electric host for the evening, IT Consultant Roger Lawrence, clutches Jeff Alexander’s Platinum AMEX to pay for the Sydney Windows Mobile User Group’s (SWMUG) pizza’s.

Roger has banded together a group of the most nose bleed geeks you’ll ever meet – my sort of Uber Geeks. These guys aren’t the industry nay sayers, they’re the guys at the bleeding edge of technology. 50% of the room were Tablet PC owners and all bear Windows Mobile devices as their phones or PDA’s of choice. Roger is a seeker of the truth and hosts the event with results in mind. He's captivating and demands the best from his congress.

SWMUG only know of one language – TECH!

Also in the room was SWMUG Executive Committee member, and Illustrator, Jon Harsem. If you’re ever graced with his presence you’ll find him amusing, entertaining and forever wanting your tablet to cartoon on. I was lucky enough to keep one of his toons on my Slate.

We banter about for a few minutes until our umpire, Roger Lawrence, yells "time". I’m called up first to do my thing. Once again I take the podium to talk Tablet PC in Australia. On this particular evening I share news of the Sahara Slate PC, and exhibit the Xploretech ruggedized Tablet too. Knowing that I’m dealing with a group of early adopters I passionately present my case. You see, in this environment I’m allowed to say things like: “it’s the consumer’s fault that Tablet PC has had a slow uptake”, and, “resellers aren’t focused on Tablet because Microsoft isn’t focused on Tablet”. I’m amongst advocates that hear what I’m saying.

To show the power of Tablet PC I run a little video on using the Microsoft Snipping Tool (part of the Microsoft Tablet PC Experience Pack). The video is a short demonstration conducted by Uber Geek, and my son, 4 year old Leon.

Download - Windows Media Player File! [12MB]

Download - Quicktime File! [10MB]

I finish the presentation with question time, of which there are many. “Why is Tablet PC subject to such a premium in price when compared to normal notebooks?” Proclaims one onlooker. “Why would someone buy a Slate over a Convertible?” Asks another. We delve into the mystery that is Tablet PC sales and inch-by-inch realise that our divided little group still struggles, as does the everyday consumer, to make sense of the slow uptake. Once again I am reminded that my role as Tablet PC distributor and self taught Tablet PC evangelist has only just begun.

The room carries a Luke Skywalker type of energy about it. There's a sense of focus and commitment to the Windows Mobile movement that would be hard to find anywhere else on the planet. I find talking amongst the clan during pizza time is a novel experience.

As I pack up my plethora of Tablet and head to the door I find myself being waved good-bye by many an adoring geek. Is it the artillery of Tablet that I bolster, or the passion I display? Either way there is one thing I know – the attendees this evening all went away talking Tablet!

I can sleep well tonight…

Oh yeh, here's a picture of our gathering, as only SWMUG members know how - cool isn't it? (That's me on the far right and Dr. Neil up against the wall).

  • Have you met the SWMUG?
  • What do you want to say about Slate vs. Convertible?

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Rugged Tablet PC - UberTablet Braniac Test

UberTablet.blogspot.com is an Aussie Tablet PC Blog. Contrived by Uber Geek, Hugo Ortega, it has slowly become a means of expression for its creator. Sharing tales of struggles and tales of joy are often riddled with impulsive thoughts that are sometimes clever enough to remain memorable. On this occasion I write as would a young child about to describe his first ride on a brand new bicycle, or an adult telling tales of some flaunting nighttime madness. I’ve got something to share with you and it’s one of those moments that go off the scale on the cool-ometer.

Rugged Tablets! We’ve heard the hype, and some of us have even sampled the delights. There’s the obvious contender, the Panasonic Tough Book. It’s been recognized as a winner and championed in many a field as the Ruggedized Tablet to own, while iTronix also successfully bear a rather attractive Rugged Tablet PC too. In regards however to these genre of tablet the average Geek knows little and to that degree have experienced little exposure to the Ruggedized version of the Tablet PC.

As most of my readers will probably know Australia is a rugged country. We are famed with the Aussie Outback, a barren land that is barely inhabitable. You’ll also know of the Aussie bloke, barely impenetrable when it comes to showing any form of emotion – we’re tough bastards you see! So it brings me to my point – Rugged Tablet PC vendors in Australia.

I was recently fortunate enough to sit with Robert Ward, the Director of Sales for Xplore Technologies Asia Pacific. He was in Sydney for some Training so I took the opportunity to break bread with the man (at Doyle’s Waterfront Restaurant) and do what I do best, “Talk Tablet”.

Impressed with Mr. Wards passion for all things Tablet it seemed obvious we’d remain acquainted, supporting each others hunger to see Tablet PC awareness in Australia increase. We completed the meal and as I dropped him outside his hotel of choice I did what any Uber Geek would have done… I inquired… “gotta demo I can borrow for a couple of days?” At which point he winks, steps out of my vehicle and says, “see what we can do.”

Many amicable emails later and here I am with Xplore IX104T Tablet PC in hand (Slate form factor). We’ve not parted for several months and our relationship is STRONG. Thinking back to our seafood extravaganza, of Salmon for Robert and Kingfish for me, I recollect a passing comment that Robert made during our meal. “While visiting with the local Water Boards or Sewer Plants we often throw the Tablet into a sink full of water to show just how waterproof it is!” And he boasts of many successes coming from this very act. He goes onto explain that the Xplore Tablet is thrown into the sink full of water while turned on – and Robert proceeds to Ink on it while in a submerged state – COOL!

So my time has now come to bid my farewells. Mr. Ward has sent several emails requesting “Kathy” back – that’s what I call the demo unit allocated to me. As I start to box her up I feel a kryptonite type effect dawn over me. I’m somber in the knowledge that as of tomorrow I will revert to regular Tablet Geek and I’d have lost all ruggedeized powers. I also begin to consider that this muscled beast has been wasted with my humble efforts to test its abilities. I’m not Army, nor am I Navy. In fact my 4x4 only sees sealed roads and seldom did the Rugged Xplore Tablet even leave my doorstep apart from a journey to BHP Billiton mines by one of my resellers. I quickly remember the sewerage plant, of Robert Wards dinner time conversation, and I hastily make my way to the laundry...

The following is a short video that will walk you through just how rugged this Xplore Tablet really is. I realize that one picture is worth a thousand words, and with that I present you with the most inspiring display of rugged technology you’ll see on any blog. Oh! And as Uber Geek host of Brainiac Jon Tickle states: “we do these stunts ourselves so that you don’t have to”.

    Download the file here: WMV[5.7MB]

    For all the Uber Geeks I've added running commentary to this cut of the underwater test.

      Download file with commentary: WMV [6.2MB]
      Watch it on:

      Sydeny Windows Mobile User Group

      8th February 2006

      As I drove into the carpark of Microsoft Head Quarters, Australia, I felt a certain sense of reassurance. Knowing that this wasn’t my first time, and knowing that familiar faces were abreast of the sliding glass doors, I was calm. With my wife following in stride and Dr. Neil racing in front I was able to enjoy the process a lot more than my initial visit (fun, but more like a dream).

      Ah! A familiar face. I encounter Microsoft IT Pro Evangelist Jeff Alexander; a face that greets me with anticipation and warmth , a face of friendship. He meets my wife and we catch up on some topics of interest, i.e. his renovations at home, and his freshly posted Windows Server 2003 R2 Upgrade Blogcast. As we stir amongst the corridor of the Microsoft Hall our Uber Electric host for the evening, IT Consultant Roger Lawrence, clutches Jeff Alexander’s Platinum AMEX to pay for the Sydney Windows Mobile User Group’s (SWMUG) pizza’s.

      Roger has banded together a group of the most nose bleed geeks you’ll ever meet – my sort of Uber Geeks. These guys aren’t the industry nay sayers, they’re the guys at the bleeding edge of technology. 50% of the room were Tablet PC owners and all bear Windows Mobile devices as their phones or PDA’s of choice. Roger is a seeker of the truth and hosts the event with results in mind. He's captivating and demands the best from his congress.

      SWMUG only know of one language – TECH!

      Also in the room was SWMUG Executive Committee member, and Illustrator, Jon Harsem. If you’re ever graced with his presence you’ll find him amusing, entertaining and forever wanting your tablet to cartoon on. I was lucky enough to keep one of his toons on my Slate.

      We banter about for a few minutes until our umpire, Roger Lawrence, yells "time". I’m called up first to do my thing. Once again I take the podium to talk Tablet PC in Australia. On this particular evening I share news of the Sahara Slate PC, and exhibit the Xploretech ruggedized Tablet too. Knowing that I’m dealing with a group of early adopters I passionately present my case. You see, in this environment I’m allowed to say things like: “it’s the consumer’s fault that Tablet PC has had a slow uptake”, and, “resellers aren’t focused on Tablet because Microsoft isn’t focused on Tablet”. I’m amongst advocates that hear what I’m saying.

      To show the power of Tablet PC I run a little video on using the Microsoft Snipping Tool (part of the Microsoft Tablet PC Experience Pack). The video is a short demonstration conducted by Uber Geek, and my son, 4 year old Leon.

      Download - Windows Media Player File! [12MB]

      Download - Quicktime File! [10MB]

      I finish the presentation with question time, of which there are many. “Why is Tablet PC subject to such a premium in price when compared to normal notebooks?” Proclaims one onlooker. “Why would someone buy a Slate over a Convertible?” Asks another. We delve into the mystery that is Tablet PC sales and inch-by-inch realise that our divided little group still struggles, as does the everyday consumer, to make sense of the slow uptake. Once again I am reminded that my role as Tablet PC distributor and self taught Tablet PC evangelist has only just begun.

      The room carries a Luke Skywalker type of energy about it. There's a sense of focus and commitment to the Windows Mobile movement that would be hard to find anywhere else on the planet. I find talking amongst the clan during pizza time is a novel experience.

      As I pack up my plethora of Tablet and head to the door I find myself being waved good-bye by many an adoring geek. Is it the artillery of Tablet that I bolster, or the passion I display? Either way there is one thing I know – the attendees this evening all went away talking Tablet!

      I can sleep well tonight…

      Oh yeh, here's a picture of our gathering, as only SWMUG members know how - cool isn't it? (That's me on the far right and Dr. Neil up against the wall).

      • Have you met the SWMUG?
      • What do you want to say about Slate vs. Convertible?

        Friday, February 10, 2006

        TC1100 Discontinued - death of a mate

        Like any major loss, the decision made by HP to discontinue its TC1100 Tablet PC reverberated throughout the net with certain sadness. Even some of my favourite bloggers like Rob Busway, and James Kendrick were moved enough to mention the event online. Since becoming an owner of the device myself in late 2005 the news of it’s elimination from the HP line was devastating.

        The little TC1100 hybrid is a Tablet of note. It carries itself with sophistication and a certain funkiness that few convertibles can match. It’s light, practical and profoundly efficient at getting daily tasks completed. For those of you that own the TC1100 I know that you’ll empathize with my note; still, while we lament this decision we must also look forward to yet another notebook-looking tablet PC by HP. We seem to have frightened the major vendors into some form of aesthetic compliance, maybe one of the new IEEE standards, that requires all notebooks to be of a certain shape, color, dimension and ergonomic line.

        If only iPod flavored Tablet PC’s would grace the market place then perhaps the little teenee’s would all queue for hours to preorder our preferred PCB – the Tablet, only to later mark them up and post them on Ebay to the anticipating public. We could release them in numbered batches, like works of art, and hold Christies type auctions, by invitation only of course, and sell Tablet PC to the rich and famous – leaving the average geek only the ability to download PDF’s and stick them on his wall!

        …hold on someone’s pinging me on IM…

        I’m back!

        Bloody TC1100! It’s too small to call a laptop and too big to call a PDA. As I went into Tablet mode to ink to my mate on messenger I seemed to have ripped the hinge off the keyboard…oops. I went to erase some text I’d hand written and scratched the glass on the screen – obviously forgetting that the standard TC1100 pen didn’t ship with an eraser on top but instead with a metal capped tether mount that really cut grooves in Tablet screens.

        Guess I’ll speak to the wife in the morning and get some early budgetary approval for a new TC4200. I’ll miss you TC1100, but I think 3-months is long enough!

        Wednesday, February 08, 2006

        Hugo Ortega opens Tablet talks with Lenovo

        It’s not often that major vendors show grass roots passion for their products in Australia (probably a sentiment felt even more by New Zealand Tablet PC MVP, my mate Craig Pringle). So frequently I hear tales of little interest shown to “the man on the street” by the big brands. So with that in mind I got in contact with Lenovo.

        In a highly anticipated announcement IBM confirmed the sale of its PC division to China's Lenovo Group, 8th of Decmeber 2004; a proclamation that also saw IBM take 18.9 percent equity stake in Lenovo. With this in mind it came at no surprise that Lenovo has kept the build-quality that we’ve all come to expect from brands like “Thinkpad” and Thinkcentre”. What I didn’t expect, and was pleasantly surprised by, was their newly found commitment to making the Lenovo a brand that aspired to IBM greatness, but now fully intended to surpass it.

        Let’s start from the top: “I Hugo Ortega (nicknamed Poogie) predominantly focus on growing Tablet PC awareness in Australia”. The way I accomplish this is by strategically and sometimes coincidentally making myself available to masses of listeners willing to listen to the merits of Tablet. I’m really not prejudice, I’ll preach to Microsoft Employees, I’ll make interstate visits to hand deliver a Tablet, or even prophesize to mums and dads while waiting for my son after school. Tablet PC isn’t a way of conducting oneself on the road, to me it’s a commitment to progression. If this technology is allowed to go to the dogs, then it’s only time before the brakes are pulled on more and more projects that should be destined for greatness.

        Along my travels I have built congruent partnerships that support my commitment, and conversely show passion for what I do. It was Lenovo that came into my life in December 2005 when I became a Lenovo Business Partner. Admittedly I signed up to gain leverage from current Lenovo programs but I’ve since realised that I’m dealing with a Group that is more proficient than that. It was my initial contact with Merrin Palmer, Lenovo Channels & SMB Marketing Manager, that lead me to realise just how proactive this company truly is. Imagine this, every email I sent swiftly received a reply – obviously it sounds ludicrous to mention this as a point of difference from other companies, but sadly it’s true.

        Passionate people have always been intriguing to me. Knowing that if I display sincere interest in anyone then they’ll often share with me their passion. In the case of Greg Hunt, Lenovo Business Development Manager, it’s quickly apparent that his passion lies in destiny. As we sat at my local "Italian-style" Cafe and talked Tablet PC over coffee I couldn’t help but admire well-dressed Greg. As he hacked away at his Lenovo Thinkpad X40 I began to admire his level of commitment and passion for the Tablet. As we took doses of caffeine and Greg hacked keys, and I inked Tablet, I realised that Lenovo and Tablet PC Australia had nothing to worry about. Greg sat there and described the proprietary “Hard Drive Active Protection System” and talked about forth coming structural enhancements to Lenovo notebooks in general – Lenovo to me felt like it has a pulse and is unquestionably kicking!

        As we parted our ways both Greg and I knew that our paths would cross again. We’d tentatively mapped out some strategy and eagerly brainstormed new marketing techniques for Lenovo, and most excitingly Tablet PC as a whole.

        Watch this space!

        • Do you own a Lenovo notebook?
        • In your opinion does Lenovo still carry on the IBM legacy?

        Tuesday, February 07, 2006

        Sydney Windows Mobile User Group - Tablet talk

        8th February 2006

        As I drove into the carpark of Microsoft Head Quarters, Australia, I felt a certain sense of reassurance. Knowing that this wasn’t my first time, and knowing that familiar faces were abreast of the sliding glass doors, I was calm. With my wife following in stride and Dr. Neil racing in front I was able to enjoy the process a lot more than my initial visit (fun, but more like a dream).

        Ah! A familiar face. I encounter Microsoft IT Pro Evangelist Jeff Alexander; a face that greets me with anticipation and warmth , a face of friendship. He meets my wife and we catch up on some topics of interest, i.e. his renovations at home, and his freshly posted Windows Server 2003 R2 Upgrade Blogcast. As we stir amongst the corridor of the Microsoft Hall our Uber Electric host for the evening, IT Consultant Roger Lawrence, clutches Jeff Alexander’s Platinum AMEX to pay for the Sydney Windows Mobile User Group’s (SWMUG) pizza’s.

        Roger has banded together a group of the most nose bleed geeks you’ll ever meet – my sort of Uber Geeks. These guys aren’t the industry nay sayers, they’re the guys at the bleeding edge of technology. 50% of the room were Tablet PC owners and all bear Windows Mobile devices as their phones or PDA’s of choice. Roger is a seeker of the truth and hosts the event with results in mind. He's captivating and demands the best from his congress.

        SWMUG only know of one language – TECH!

        Also in the room was SWMUG Executive Committee member, and Illustrator, Jon Harsem. If you’re ever graced with his presence you’ll find him amusing, entertaining and forever wanting your tablet to cartoon on. I was lucky enough to keep one of his toons on my Slate.

        We banter about for a few minutes until our umpire, Roger Lawrence, yells "time". I’m called up first to do my thing. Once again I take the podium to talk Tablet PC in Australia. On this particular evening I share news of the Sahara Slate PC, and exhibit the Xploretech ruggedized Tablet too. Knowing that I’m dealing with a group of early adopters I passionately present my case. You see, in this environment I’m allowed to say things like: “it’s the consumer’s fault that Tablet PC has had a slow uptake”, and, “resellers aren’t focused on Tablet because Microsoft isn’t focused on Tablet”. I’m amongst advocates that hear what I’m saying.

        To show the power of Tablet PC I run a little video on using the Microsoft Snipping Tool (part of the Microsoft Tablet PC Experience Pack). The video is a short demonstration conducted by Uber Geek, and my son, 4 year old Leon.

        Leon Ortega teaches Snipping Tool

        Download - Windows Media Player File! [12MB]

        Download - Quicktime File! [10MB]

        I finish the presentation with question time, of which there are many. “Why is Tablet PC subject to such a premium in price when compared to normal notebooks?” Proclaims one onlooker. “Why would someone buy a Slate over a Convertible?” Asks another. We delve into the mystery that is Tablet PC sales and inch-by-inch realise that our divided little group still struggles, as does the everyday consumer, to make sense of the slow uptake. Once again I am reminded that my role as Tablet PC distributor and self taught Tablet PC evangelist has only just begun.

        The room carries a Luke Skywalker type of energy about it. There's a sense of focus and commitment to the Windows Mobile movement that would be hard to find anywhere else on the planet. I find talking amongst the clan during pizza time is a novel experience.

        As I pack up my plethora of Tablet and head to the door I find myself being waved good-bye by many an adoring geek. Is it the artillery of Tablet that I bolster, or the passion I display? Either way there is one thing I know – the attendees this evening all went away talking Tablet!

        I can sleep well tonight…

        Oh yeh, here's a picture of our gathering, as only SWMUG members know how - cool isn't it? (That's me on the far right and Dr. Neil up against the wall).

        • Have you met the SWMUG?
        • What do you want to say about Slate vs. Convertible?

        Wednesday, February 01, 2006

        Tablet PC Surgery - Scalpel Please!

        Tablet Surgery requires extreme patience and concentration. Sometimes the most arduous task like resetting BIOS (in this case unplugging the battery for 3 seconds) can turn into a 45 minute marathon.

        In UberTablet.blogspot.com we’ve promised to BLOG our Tablet PC experiences (Sydney, Australia). This experience is a visual feast for all you Hardware geeks, and Tablet PC enthusiasts to remember and share.

        20:45 1st Feb 2006

        Uber Nurse: Doctor, Doctor, we’ve lost the pulse…what do we do?

        Uber Doctor: Give me a summation of the situation please nurse?

        Uber Nurse: The victim (Tablet PC) came in at approximately 20:45. We initiated DC into the device and tried reboot – no avail! We’ve removed the battery pack and inserted 60GB of 5400rpm H.D.D and again no elation!! Currently we’ve not witnessed signs of life for approximately 90seconds. Family members, upon questioning, recall no odd behaviour prior to the event. “We’d placed a Gig of RAM in the device about a week ago”, one distraught family member recollects, “the next time I went to utilize the device I couldn’t wake her up”, he lamented just before bursting into tears.

        Uber Doctor: Nurse, knowing that Microsoft Knowledge Base chronicle’s Hibernation issues with Tablet PC Edition 2005 ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/893056) I recommend a BIOS reset and immediate FLASH after reboot.

        Uber Nurse: But Doctor…

        Uber Doctor: Nurse! Please! I’m familiar with the procedure; now hand me the 9mm philips screwdriver and initiate pouring of 350ml of Soda Water…for me please.

        The following is a graphical record of BIOS resetting on the Sahara Slate PC. While the procedure may seem daunting, I will use all resources at my disposal to journal the event, for your future reference and mine.

        Do not try this at home folks. I’m highly skilled, experienced, and have the replacement parts at hand in case things get ugly. It's important for you to know that this issue (as per Microsoft KB 893056) is now virtually non existant with Tablet PC. The key here is to have the latest Manufacturer BIOS installed on your Tablet at all times.

        Lets begin:

        Take 1x non-booting iTablet Slate PC (Sahara) and my trusty 100-in-1 Screwdriver set;

        Now dismantle;

        Take the RAM cover plate off and lift the memory module out (PC2700 184pin SDRAM), remove the Battery Pack, 8 medium sized screws, 2 small screws, and the Wacom Digitizer pen out of its sleeve - the bubble wrap is there to protect the Tablet from incidental scratches from my workbench;

        Unscrew the VGA connectors.

        Now unscrew 1x small screw and you can pry out the 2.5" hard drive.

        Almost forget, pop out CF slot protector from the CF slot.

        Now stick your fingers in and CRACK, the case will begin to show some PCB. Can you smell it? mmmmm...

        That's right, go where the sun don't shine!

        Now this is where your average Power User becomes Power-less, but not you, your an Uber Tablet Geek. Do you see the little ribbon cables, that's where your hands are gonna' surgically disconnect the screen from the motherboard.

        Come on, get in there!

        Well done Uber Geek! You've carefully peeled away both halves to unveil the most glorious look at your Wacom Digitizer board sitting on top of the Tablet PC screen (LEFT pic.), while the alloy shielded motherboard anxiously awaits its undressing.

        Don't let the beast intimidate you. Grab him, tame him, and unscrew the alloy shield and let's get to the motherboard!

        Now that we're at the guts of the machine, remove any of the remaining intestines (cables and connectors) from the motherboard.

        You probably don't need to disconnect all the cables, but I just love pulling things apart.

        Release the motherboard from its human constraints (the case) and get ready to hit the PCB-spot.

        Now peel the case away from the motherboard, ensuring that you're not forcing them from each other.

        There she is, the under belly, a site that will either make your stomach turn or your heart race with excitement; either way it’s the device that has revolutionized the way a lot of us live.

        Oh! There's the battery (in blue) that we've so eagerly gone hunting for. We’re now on the home stretch.

        Now grab the 2-pin cconnector and seperate it from the motherboard for 3 seconds. You're done! Well done!
        The BIOS is reset; now put it all back together you clown!

        One last peek,

        and back she goes. This unceremonious disrobing will soon be complete and the Tablet PC will live to INK another day.

        Turn the motherboard back over and secure it into place. Careful now, we don't want any screws left over!

        Alloy sheath back on, ribbon cables connected, and your almost ready to reunite both halves.

        You'll require some finger gymnastics to really make this work so make sure you do your stretches.

        Don't forget to complete all the connections;

        and I mean all of them.

        Wedge to two halves together, and fasten the screws again.

        Put the RAM back,

        Hard Disk back,

        Battery Pack back,

        and you're all done Uber Geek.
        Now watch the video and see if it works:

        See if she boots - click here!!

        • Need any more information?
        • Had any PCB wars of your own?