So I posted a video about the OQO model 02 and had thousands of hits - literally. I was excited, and was looking forward to a great experience. When my first OQO 02 died (just beofre the Video) I received the replacement and got back on the road quickly (kudos to OQO) when the second one died OQO did the right thing and got a new one out to me again - I was upset but looking forward to a great season ahead, and then when the third one arrived I lost all motivation and it is in my garage unboxed.
Ihad the absolute shits was upset and have decided to move away from it for a little while. Sorry guys. We'll see what happens in the future. Migration of all my data - twice - has been a headache I do not want to deal with on a third occassion.
Why did they die? Are they faulty?
Sorry to hear about the computer problems Hugo. It is good to see you back again though. :-)
I've finally got a Q1 and am working on some artwork and will get some to you ASAP. I'll try to get some contact info from you later to send you what I've got.
I was wondering, what are you going to use for mobile computing now? Will you settle back to the Q1, or do you have more tricks up your sleeve?
Greetings Hugo:
It true it has been a while you haven't posted on your blog.
But I agree having three models of your mobile product fail would have given me the nerves too.
Regards Robert
Now I am nervous. I recieved an email today from OQO indicating mine has just shipped. We will see what happens.
Hugo, did they have the same problem? or it was a different problem?
Ug! That's terrible! I'm so sorry to hear that, Hugo!
If you try it again sometime with Vista you could use the imaging feature to make a drive image..just in case. But that's a scary failure rate on the device. :(
That's really bad luck. What a downer. I can certainly sympathise with your lack of motivation. Been there before.
I have already ordered mine, and now wondering whether or not I should go ahead with it or just cancel.
I was really looking forward to this little machine making a whole lot of difference to my life.
Did your OQOs suffer the same fate, and what fate did they suffer?
This has got to be bad news for OQO, but good that they were quick to act positively in your case. I hope they will do the same for everyone else should they be unfortunate to have a similar experience.
By the way, I ain't no dude. But you sure are! :) I admit it's a bit difficult to genderise an initial though. ;)
All the best,
What a drag! Two units going belly-up!! I'm sure you've been cheered up by that new device that you just received (as mentioned on the GBM podcast!!)
Well, just saved me $2k. I was back and forth and knew I didnt really need this device but I was getting jealous. I will stick with my p1610 and keep on the lookout. Was thinking of getting a Q1U when they come out but since they really arent pocketable I wonder if I am getting any benefit over the p1610 for portability. Glas you are well, it had been way too long.
Crap! Can you tell us more about what happened?
That really sux.
I haven't read too much about reliability propblems with these devices, but then again, I guess there are no long term usage test available until it's been out in the wild.
But your problems don't even appear to be long term.
Very sad indeed.
Do we see a Samsung Q1U on the horizon for Hugo?
I really want to see how the new Samsung beast fares, as I am seriously considering one but have seen reports of it being buggy and very slow with Vista.
Major bummer. Thank God we cannot get the Model02 here in Hong Kong yet. Still loving my Sony UX27 (UX380 in US), the Vista Business runs flawlessly.
Wow, seems there's a lot of us here rethinking a purchase (especially me).
This is one of the negatives of being not "a" but "THE" early adopter of the technology. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes, and I know OQO is more sorry! Keep up the GREAT work Hugo!
WOW... that's a shame Hugo, you were missed. After reading your 5" world posting I decided to try my UX280 full time over Memorial Day weekend. I must admit I was very productive. The only thing I have trouble with is grading student papers in Word with ink. I have enabled tabletPC features in Vista, but with such a small screen and my horrible handwriting it is sometimes difficult. So, if I have TONS of papers to grade I am better off with the TC1100 or p1610, but for just about everything else the Sony UX was fantastic.
I hope you finally get and OQO 02 that works. Has it been the same issue on the first 2 devices that were sent back?
sorry to hear about all your woes hugo. Was it hardware failure as in something "broke" or just plain faulty each time?
I'm sorry Hugo for your bad experience with the OQO 02, I've had mine for 1 1/2 months & absolutely love it. I really enjoyed your enthusiastic yet honest appraisel of the 02, as I've shared the same feelings except your most recent.
My touch scrollers stopped working, have warranty so I'll wait after I upgrade to Vista or reinstall drivers to current XP Tablet. Not a biggie right now.
Meanwhile, as I hear the silent screams of a million empty pockets in wanting of the never to experience feeling of warmth of the 02 close to their owners hearts, the rank & file pocket possessed OQO owners sadly see the fading devotion of a well spoken comrade.
Salute! May your future tablet experiences lead you back to a rewarding and pleasant journey, and please pray tell when the nerves settle what was the cause of your disfunctional OQO 02's.
Sincerely, Opus
Hi Guys and Gals!
Here's the deal. I was upset but now I am back! Believe me or not but all your coments have been read by OQO staff from President and VP down to logistics and Sales people.
I will answer all your comments individually as soon as I get a chance but I have been too busy to even think about my little OQO dilemma - although I have thought about it a lot.
I will have some more videos soon on all things as usual, including the new TabletKiosk dual mode Slate I have. LOL.
Sorry, put this in the wrong place. Please delete other if possible. :)
Hi Hugo,
Thanks for your update. Glad you're feeling a bit better now.
Since OQO are apparently listening to the comments here, I hope you won't mind if I add one further one. :)
Having said that I was thinking about cancelling my order, mine arrived the very next day. Shock, horror, as I wasn't expecting it until much later! I'm in the UK. OQO I think don't manufacture an OQO power cord for the UK, and instead supply one separately.
I have issues with this since it doesn't seem to fit very well. Someone with great strength may be able to get it to stay, but I'm afraid everyone I've asked hasn't succeeded. This makes bit of a nonsense out of its portability, since there's not much point in carrying around a dead battery.
OQO, if you are listening, could you please consider designing a UK mains plug and cord that properly fits the power unit? I also found it somewhat disconcerting that the power cord was packed separately from the main OQO packaging.
That said, I've had some fun getting to know the little thing, and getting to grips with tableting, which is all very new to me. Thanks for such an inspiring product, I look forward to what you come up with next.
Looking forward to hearing about the TK I440D! Glad to have you back.
Bad news about the OQO2... was wondering where you had been! checking ubertablet daily was getting to be an eerily haunting experience!
Remember I asked you if you missed the Q1?...
I'm still using my Q1. Was looking everywhere for a 6-cell battery and found one in the last place I expected: a SAMSUNG-only retail shop in Paris: Reparaction, 103 Boulevard Beaumarchais - 75003 Paris.
I walked in and the first thing I saw was a display unit devoted to the Q1. When I asked for the 6 cell battery I think they were a little shocked!
Sorry to hear about your woes... data transfer is a nightmare...
Sorry to hear about your OQO troubles... My Model 02 has been flawless, even since my HSDPA mod!
The people at OQO are great, and I'm sure they'll have this sorted out for you in no time :)
Hugo and the rest of the Uber Tablet family:
First of all, I have been thru my share of computers, laptops and now, UMPCs. The very first thing I learned was to save all my important documents (all documents, pictures and other files as a matter of fact) in an external thumb drive. Now days, you can get a 8 Gigs for a reasonable price (under $100), and I have seen the 16 and 32 Gigs rolling out as well. That means that you should never have to go thru the painful experience of loosing your valuable files again due to hardware failure. Second of all, although my comment about my Sony UX380n was quickly dismissed and forgotten in the earlier blog, I just wanted to give you the tease that I have been using my Vaio for half a year now, and it has performed flawlessly. I have been using it as my main computing device, and I have a complete setup at home with a 24 inch Acer monitor, bluetooth keyboard/mouse and other peripherals because it does gets tiring to see the small 4.5" screen all the time. I'm sure the OQO2 will fix their kinks, and to all that already ordered an unit, don't get discouraged. Just make sure you get a good extended warranty plan for a device this expensive, and everything will work itself out.
Danny from Miami
Hugo, I am expecting my OQO 02 Vista to arrive next week, I hope they have made advancements in it since May, I'll let you know. I hope it works well for me, I really need it too.
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